emily pierson

about me

Emily Pierson smiling with pink glasses

My name's Emily Pierson. I'm a photographer, editor, artist and web developer from Cincinnati, Ohio. Some of my favorite pastimes include reading, discovering new music, collecting vintage clothes and writing.

my work



Online shop for wine and paint packages for parties. Made with Javascript, React, Mongoose, Node.js, Express.js

Tech blog

MVC Tech Blog

Tech blog made with MySQL, Sequelize, Node.js, Express.js, Express Sessions, Express Handlebars

Music inventory app

Sheet of Inventory

Inventory app made with MySQL, Sequelize, Node.js, Express.js, Express Sessions, Express Handlebars

README generator

README Generator

Command line interface app that generates a README for a specific project. Made with JavaScript, Node.js

Meal Express main page

Meal Express

App that finds the perfect recipe based on what you already have in your fridge. Made with HTML, CSS, Bulma, Javascript, Server-side APIs

Weather Dashboard website

Weather Dashboard

App that shows current weather and 5 day forecast for different cities in the US. Made with Bootstrap, Javascript, Server-side APIs

Password Generator

Work Day Scheduler

App that allows you to add and delete tasks for your work day. Made with jQuery, moment.js

Password Generator page in action

Password Generator

Website that allows users to specify which characters they want in their password, then generates it on the page. Made with Javascript

E-commerce back end

E-commerce back end

The back-end code for a e-commerce site. Made with JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js, mySQL2

Run Buddy landing page


A website that offers fitness training services. HTML, CSS

Code quiz website

Code Quiz

Timed quiz app that saves users' scores and initals. Made with HTML, CSS, Javascript


Download my resume

Education & Honors

Miami University Oxford, OH

August 2013 - May 2018

  • Bachelor of Arts, overall GPA: 3.64
  • Major: Linguistics
  • Minor: Writing and Rhetoric and Spanish Linguistics thematic sequence
  • Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society and Scholarship


Advanced Testing Laboratory

April 2019 - Present

  • Input regulatory copy for product labeling with strong attention to detail.
  • Reviewed labeling closely and effectively to ensure compliance with regulatory style guides
  • Managed and completed numerous tasks in a fast-paced environment with high level of accuracy
  • Communicated detailed feedback with team members in a timely manner to ensure a smooth artwork process
  • Worked alongside artwork planners, regulatory, marketing and design contacts
  • Created and maintained detailed notes and logs for future reference and for other team members
  • Participated in updating style guides and implementing changes with high degree of flexibility
  • Resolved concerns and questions in a timely manner
  • Became proficient in specific area of products in short amount of time, providing reliable and quick feedback
  • Personally selected by manager for promotion working as artwork lead with new client
  • Received several positive responses from both team mates and clients on my communication skills, timeliness, and accuracy

City of Hamilton- Content Strategist (Capstone Project)

February 2018 - May 2018

  • Collaborated with a group of four over the course of the semester and created a mini social media campaign for the City of Hamilton, focusing on the Consortium for Ongoing Reinvestment Efforts (CORE).
  • Wrote engaging and persuasive content that matched Hamilton’s voice and tone, edited text, analyzed how that content was received and how it could be improved.
  • Conducted usability research and secondary research on best practices of different social media platforms.
  • Made social media recommendations and presented to the client.

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